Mayor Megan Barry Repeatedly Refuses to Answer Questions from WSMV Reporter About Taxpayer Resources Used to Send Her and Lover Rob Forrest On Luxury Trips

WSMV reporter Alanna Autler caught up with embattled Mayor Megan Barry to ask several questions regarding the possible misappropriation of taxpayer funds and other resources used to support and then cover up Barry’s years-long affair with the head of her security detail, Rob Forrest.

Despite several attempts by Autler to get a straight answer regarding records showing overseas travel and luxury accommodations with Forrest, Mayor Barry refused to deliver any kind of answer, and instead hid behind the lawyerly response that, “in cooperation with the TBI investigation we continue to provide them the answers, and I look forward to knowing that were no taxpayer dollars misused in any way.”

WSMV edited the video of the interview for the news broadcast into what is essentially a ‘highlights’ reel of the most scintillating parts of the interview. However, in a separate post, the station published the entire transcript of the encounter between Barry and Autler.

The video version does a good job of showing Barry’s clearly rehearsed non-answers to the young journalist’s questions. But when the segment is compared to the unedited video and full transcript, the extent of the Mayor’s stonewalling behavior is laid bare.

Part One – Travel to Greece and San Francisco

(‘highlight’ quotes included in the video are in bold)

Alanna Autler: Mayor Barry when you were in Athens, why did you stay extra days in Athens with nothing on your schedule while taxpayers paid for the hotel room for Sgt. Forrest?

Mayor Megan Barry: We are now under a, cooperating with the TBI and all those questions are being asked and answered in full cooperation with them, and I look forward, I know when all of this is said and done, I’m confident that there will be no misuse of taxpayer dollars found.

Autler: So today, you cannot answer what you were doing that weekend in Athens?

Barry: I was there on business and it was a business trip. It’s really a wonderful thing when mayors get to go and connect with other mayors and to travel so we can promote what’s Nashville doing.

Autler: I know you did go on business, but there was nothing on your business schedule for that Saturday and that Sunday. Are you able to say what you were doing that weekend?

Barry: In cooperation with the TBI investigation we continue to provide them the answers, and I look forward to knowing that were no taxpayer dollars misused in any way.

Autler: Can you say the same for the San Francisco trip? Why did you arrive two days earlier before the business conference with nothing on your schedule while taxpayers paid for the expenses for Sgt. Forrest?

Barry: Like I mentioned, we are fully cooperating with the TBI investigation, and at the end of this, I am fully confident there will be no finding taxpayer dollars were in any way misused.

Autler: I know this is an uncomfortable question, but it is one that many people have asked us: did you have intimate relations with Sgt. Forrest on out-of-town trips partly paid for by taxpayer dollars?

Barry: I’m fully cooperating with the TBI investigation. There are some parts of this that I’m going to have frank conversations with them about. This is part of the ongoing investigation.

Autler: And again, that’s something you cannot tell us today? That we are asking…

Barry: Yes, ma’am.

(continued) [LINK TO 2nd HIT]

The video below depicts the edited version of the interview:


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